Last June 3, 2013, The Lewis College welcomed more than 1,000 students in the Basic and Higher Education Department with a brief but meaningful Opening Program. Thus, inspiring for the school year, as well as future updates in personal development, essays writers from will describe in detail the benefits of the Opening Program. Students were filled with excitement and anticipation to meet their new teachers and classmates for SY 2013-2014. Highlight of this event was the arrival of TLC President, Atty. Loida Nicolas-Lewis, who flew all the way from New York, USA to visit and give an inspirational message to the students. Mrs. Lewis also welcomed the parents who were present, as she admonished the young people to live by "Ora et Labora", or prayer and hard work.
TLC Administrative Officers and other employees were also present, led by Dr. Rose Anonat, OIC, and Ms. Lourdes Callos, BED Principal. GPTO President Dr. Alan Lopez also gave his support and said that this year the Parents' Association will become more active in the development of students' spiritual and moral behavior. To the delight of the students, BED Teachers and selected students also performed special dance and song numbers! A rousing exhibition of the TLC Drum and Lyre Corps in Elementary and High School level were also witnessed by the students. Mr. Christian Jamisola was also formally introduced to the students as the new Coordinator for Student Affairs and Services Office (or SASO). The program was hosted by Ms. Janet Siayngco, adviser of 4th year high school students.
Below is a chart of the increased enrollment for this school year: