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TLC in Manila Bulletin

TLC_MB.jpgNational daily Manila Bulletin featured The Lewis College on the front of their Schools, Colleges and Universities Bulletin section (E1), To see the online version of this article, click here (this opens a new window/tab).

Promoting Cultural Diversity and Inclusion in Schools


The Importance of Cultural Diversity and Inclusion

In today's interconnected and globalized world, cultural diversity and inclusion play a crucial role in fostering a positive learning environment for students. Embracing diversity in schools not only enriches the educational experience but also prepares students to thrive in an increasingly multicultural society.


Cultural diversity in schools brings together students from different backgrounds, ethnicities, religions, and social experiences. It encourages open-mindedness, empathy, and respect for others. By promoting cultural diversity, schools create opportunities for students to learn from one another, challenge stereotypes, and broaden their perspectives.

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Creating an Inclusive School Environment

An inclusive school environment is one where every student feels valued, respected, and supported regardless of their cultural background. Here are some strategies that can be implemented to promote cultural diversity and inclusion:

1. Curriculum and Instruction

Integrate multicultural content into the curriculum across various subjects. Incorporate diverse perspectives, authors, historical events, and cultural practices to provide students with a well-rounded education that reflects the real world. This helps students appreciate different cultures and fosters a sense of belonging for students from diverse backgrounds.

2. Celebrating Diversity

Organize events and activities that celebrate different cultures and traditions within the school community. Cultural festivals, food fairs, and international days can provide opportunities for students to showcase their heritage, share their customs, and learn about others. These events encourage interaction and appreciation among students of various backgrounds.

3. Language Support

Offer language support programs for students who are English language learners or speak different languages. These programs help students develop their language skills, build confidence, and promote inclusivity within the classroom. Bilingual education or language exchange programs can also be implemented to encourage language learning and cultural exchange.

4. Anti-Bullying and Discrimination Policies

Establish clear anti-bullying and anti-discrimination policies that explicitly address cultural diversity. Create a safe and respectful environment where students feel empowered to report incidents of bullying or discrimination. Implement appropriate disciplinary measures and provide counseling and support for both victims and perpetrators to ensure a healthy and inclusive school climate.

5. Professional Development

Provide professional development opportunities for teachers and staff to enhance their cultural competency skills. Training sessions, workshops, and seminars can help educators gain a deeper understanding of cultural differences, address unconscious biases, and implement inclusive teaching strategies. This, in turn, positively impacts the learning experiences of students.

Benefits of Promoting Cultural Diversity and Inclusion

Embracing cultural diversity and inclusion in schools yields numerous benefits for both students and the broader society:

1. Enhanced Learning Experience

When students are exposed to diverse perspectives, they develop critical thinking skills, empathy, and a broader worldview. This exposure prepares them to navigate an increasingly interconnected and diverse global society.

2. Reduced Prejudice and Stereotyping

By promoting cultural diversity, schools challenge stereotypes and prejudices. Students learn to appreciate different cultures and recognize the value of diversity, leading to greater acceptance and reduced discrimination in society.

3. Improved Academic Performance

Research has shown that culturally inclusive education positively impacts academic performance. Students from diverse backgrounds feel a sense of belonging, leading to higher engagement, motivation, and ultimately, improved learning outcomes.

4. Global Citizenship

Promoting cultural diversity and inclusion in schools nurtures global citizenship among students. It prepares them to be active participants in an interconnected world, fostering understanding, collaboration, and tolerance across cultures.



Embracing cultural diversity and inclusion in schools is not just a moral imperative but also an educational necessity. By creating inclusive environments that celebrate diversity, schools provide students with the tools to become compassionate and globally minded citizens. It is through the recognition and appreciation of our differences that we can build a more harmonious and equitable society.